have you seen this???
my lovely friend,
janel, sketched this in her journal (it's me!). she's so rad :]
in other news, how many of you have seen the a&e show,
hoarders? my parents watch it and i've seen a few episodes while at there house and i have one word that sums up my reaction when i see it - GROSS. watching that show gives me such anxiety. i'm bad with clutter and i've been known to let a cup of hot tea sit on my bedside table for a couple of days. i mean, in reality, i know that i'm normal. that everyone does it. that i am no where near as messed up as the people who are on that show. but watching it, i can't help but freak out on the inside thinking "oh snap. i don't want to turn into that person!" here's a peek at what this show is about...
ick. it gives me the heebie jeebies. so i am off of work tomorrow. and i refuse - REFUSE - to let anything distract me from the task at hand - spring cleaning. so i thought, as a way to hold myself accountable and get things done, i'll post my list of to do's here, and update when items are complete :] you guys better help hold me to it! so...before i lay my head down to sleep tomorrow (monday) night, the following things *must* be completed:
orange text denotes completion! :]
-clean out car
-scour kitchen sink
-all laundry washed, dried, folded and put away
-vacuum bedroom
-sweep and scrub kitchen, living room and front bathroom floors
-organize front bathroom cabinets
-clean front bathroom tub and toilet
-paint bedroom table
-remove all cat hair from my living room furniture (eww gross)
-clean out fridge (double gross)
-clean oven (holy geeze, i'll need 5 cans of oven cleaner!)
-dust all furniture in house
-dust blinds (kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, spare room, studio)
-remove clutter from kitchen table and counters
-clean up craft supply explosion from living room floors and coffee table
ok, so that list is doable, right? please say yes!
and here's a list for the near future that i can start on tomorrow if i finish the first list :]
-finish painting bedroom
-cut grass (recent sunshine + rain make for LOTS of tall weeds :/ )
-pull up bedroom carpet and paint floors to match living room/hallway :]
-tackle studio space
-clean up aaron's man cave turned my new media room and make it more girly and less aaron-y
ok, i think that's a good list to start with. let the spring cleaning commence!