Friday, June 12, 2009

i will be productive. i will be productive. i will be productive.

right now i'd love to be enjoying a little bit of this...

but there's a loooooooong todo list before i return to work tomorrow night...

*complete ALL laundry
*clean out and organize laundry room
*remove rox's existing litter box and put together the oh-so-cool new one
*cut grass
*clean both bathrooms thoroughly
*go through mail and map out this months bills
*organize and purge through the pantry.

this may not seem like much, but i assure it will take up the majority of this day.  i sure do hope that i can finish in time to maybe catch an hour or two at the pool?  i'll keep my fingers crossed :]


janel. said...

I'm crossing my fingers that you make it to the pool too!! Have a great cleaning day :)

vivianna said...

ok! I will be productive today too!!!