Sunday, November 29, 2009


i woke up this morning feeling super lazy, and haven't been out of bed but once to pee. the only thing remotely interesting on tv (and i use that term loosely) is a marathon of this:

and i'm finding myself actually enjoying it. doubleyou tee eff?

it makes me wonder, am i channeling this gal?

holy geeze. i've never really watched it before today, and i'm already worried that i'll have to add it to my list of guilty pleasures...ick.

have a lovely sunday! :]


sarah ann said...

Um hello can we be friends?

Your blog is adorable. I am also enrolled in Style School. It will be fun!

Sarah Ann
don't be shy!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha... awesome! >:(

Jacque said...

Aw! You have a super cute blog! Love it!! I'm also having an extremely lazy sunday! Those are the best ever!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

It's like quick sand... I cringe when I watch it during all the Heidi and Spencer stuff but otherwise I can zone out and watch it. It's a great show to just sit there and do nothing... it's almost like mental yoga for me.

BWatts said...

aww haha i love that you are channeling me!!! love you aaaannnddd i just enrolled in style school like you told me too! :) lets do it together!
love you more!

Judith Cebreros said...

I know how you feel. I never wanted to watch "Keeping up with the Kardashians". I watched one episode ad I was hooked. Whyyyyyy????!!!