Wednesday, February 6, 2008

tons of fun!

mardi gras
so...spanish town mardi gras was a freakin blast! brittany and i had a lot of fun and caught a bunch of great beads! it pays to have friends riding in floats! pictures will be posted soon. was planning on going to mamou for the street dance on lundi gras, but after i got off of work, i was too pooped to make the two hour drive to meet gwen in turkey creek, so i cancelled. instead, i spent the night curled up with a hot cup of earl grey and a good book. not your typical mardi gras festivities, but i think saturday was enough for this year.
now that mardi gras is over, it's ash wednesday and lent is now underway. i'm not catholic, but since my mom's family is, i've always been encouraged to give something up each year. although there's only a few weeks betweem mardi gras and easter, it's still a bit difficult to give up something dear to you. this year, i'm planning to give up cokes and fast food. and i mean it this time! i'm hoping that since i won't be doing near as much traveling for work, that i won't be too tempted to swing by the nearest drive through every morning for breakfast. sigh...but chicken biscuits and iced coffee from burger king are incredibly hard to give up. and as for cokes, well it's been almost three weeks since i've had one, and i figured that lent was as good as a time as any to continue my caffeinated and carbonated abstinence.
good times!
so yesterday the seester and i went shopping and i finally broke down and bought the fisheye camera from urban outfitters. we had a lot of fun taking goofy pictures in the car, and as soon as i finish the roll of film, i'm running straight to walmart to get them developed. i can't wait to see them!

closing thoughts...
**the hubs is supposed to come home this weekend (yay!) so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't get pushed back. unfortunately, though, they have another job lined up for him as soon as he gets back so there's no telling how long he will be home. :(
**have a fun day planned...sushi lunch with becky (i miss working downtown with her!) margaritas with skye tonight (we haven't had a date since before my wedding!!!!) this should be a great day!
**a little eye candy for fun...just a few of the many reasons i love living in louisiana

cypress trees...king cake...



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